Thursday, March 28, 2013

Embryo Transfer

     Sorry I am posting so late. I didn't do anything while I was on bed rest and I finally went back to work so I have been really trying to chill out once I got home so i could stay relaxed.

     We drove up Saturday afternoon and stayed at the Hampton Inn again since it is literally next door to the surgery center. They had called and changed my appointment to 9 so I didn't have to be there until 8 the next morning. We were the only patient so we hang to ring the doorbell to be let in since they were not open. We got some fluids for me to drink since my bladder had to be full and headed to a room. I got dressed in that lovely gown and my husband got in his scrubs and I took my Valium and signed my consents. We also did my discharge orders then since I would just be waiting an hour for my bladder to fill. Right before I was to go back, the doctor came to talk to me and he gave me a picture of the two embryos they would be transferring. One was an A- and the other was a B+. i didn't have a strong enough urge to pee so they made me finish my water and wait about 15 more minutes so we were a little behind getting started.
     Once it was time, we just walked done to the procedure room and they got me all situated. The embryologist was behind the doctor with the incubator and a microscope. They use a sonogram to help see the catheter to make sure of the placement. The doctor had some trouble because my bladder was not full enough and it was causing a shadow on the screen. He worked and worked to get rid of the shadow so he could see the exact spot he needed. I was getting a little nervous there for a second. He finally got it corrected and it took them mere seconds to load the embryos into the catheter and implant them in me. i could not really see the screen from where I was with all the blankets they had on me, but my husband could. After they were transferred my legs were elevated higher than my head and I had to lay there for 30 mins. While we were waiting I got my last paperwork and the embryologist gave us the dish our embryos had been in. After the wait we got dressed and loaded in the car and the bed rest began. I had to be on bed rest through Tuesday. I was long days just laying there. I could sit up to eat and got to the restroom so that was good. I had good nurses though. The hubs cooked some good dinner and my mom came and cooked me breakfast, my step dad cooked me lunch one day and my grandmother came and stayed with me Tuesday and spoiled me of course. So then the waiting started....

     I got a call from the embryologist on Monday saying we were able to freeze 4 embryos for future use. I was happy to hear that we would have more chances for children without repeating the full protocol and procedures. Oh, they also let me know when we had the transfer that we would have our first blood test on Tuesday (April 2nd). If it is positive then we would repeat the blood test on Thursday to confirm that my HCG levels were rising. I am counting down the days and praying like crazy that this is His will. So please say a prayer for us that this worked but more than that please pray that he will help us through the emotions for which ever the case may be. He orchestrated this perfectly so far and for that I am thankful!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Scheduled for Sunday

     We have to be at the surgery center at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday and my transfer should be at 8:30. I can eat and drink normally but need to drink plenty of water so I will have a full bladder. I will also have to take a Valium once I get there to relax me and my uterus. I was told I would have to stay on the table for 30 mins after the procedure and I will be on bed rest for 72 hours. Keep praying! I love the fact it is happening on a Sunday!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The longest 24 hours

     The wait for my phone call was killing me! I was going stir crazy! But we finally got our call a little after 11. The embryologist said that we had 6 embryos that were a grade A and 3 that were a B+! It's amazing! He said they would not be checking the embryos tomorrow. I will be having a day 5 transfer so that will be Sunday. He said they would call tomorrow to give me my appointment time so I have to work on being patient until Sunday!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thankful and full of excitement!

     We got all packed up Monday and headed to Memphis. We checked into the hotel and then went and grabbed a good filling dinner. When we got back to the room, a million things were running through my mind. I have never been too excited to have to take a Vallium but considering that I never get any sleep before any regular appointment, I figured I better do as I'm told so I would get some sleep. I am glad I did. I was up all night coughing with this dang sickness I have been fighting for a week. If I had not taken it my mind would have kept going every time my coughing woke me up.
     We arrived at the surgery center a little before our appointment at 7:15. Needless to say, I was a little nervous and anxious. My husband had a little nervous look as well. Luckily, I never have any procedure requiring any medical procedures. I was nervous about being put to sleep and being able to breathe with this congestion. Once I got back there, It was going so fast. Once they got me changed and hooked up to my IV fluids and antibiotics, they let my husband come back there with me. It didn't feel like we were back there any amount of time because so many people had to come in and meet with us. Once the last person met with us, we said our good byes and i walked to the procedure room (a little later than 8:15).
     They warned me that once they gave me sedation meds, I would be asleep within 15-20 sec. I laid  on the table and she she started wrapping my legs. Another lady put a couple monitors on me and then she said she started the meds. She was right...I was out! I do remember feeling something during the procedure once but it wasn't too bad just a little pain and lots pressure. I kinda remember waking up at the end and them talking to me. I don't know what they said to me but I think i said a couple times that my husband had better done a good job with his part. Leave it to me to say it. The only thing I remember they said was that they retrieved 17 eggs (which recovery nurse later confirmed).
     I think I got back to the recovery area about 9. The sedation was wearing of almost instantly it felt. I had been told I had to drink and pee before I could go so as soon as she offered a drink, I took it. My husband got to come back and see me around 9:20. It wasn't long until I got to get dressed and wait in a room with a recliner. As soon as she got a good blood pressure reading, I got my IVF out and had to wait 10 more minutes to leave. They told me I would get a call from the embryologist everyday t gives us an update on our embryos. We will return for as early as Friday and as late as Sunday to transfer two of the embryos.
     The pain was more uncomfortable than anything but felt like more had been jabbed then what was really involved. Coughing was killing me though and felt like a I was going to bust open or something. I had declined pain meds so I knew I would have to deal with it. But in the end it wasn't too bad at all. I did not have really any bleeding either which I was thankful for.
     Last night I started back on Doxycycline (1 twice a day for 4 days) and added Prednisone (3 at once, for 4 days). This morning, I started Crinone which is a gel Progesterone inserted each morning at least until your pregnancy test and continued for a little while if your test is positive. I will also continue my prenatal and Metformin.

We got our first call from the embryologist a little bit ago. It was just a fertilization report and should start getting their grades tomorrow. The embryologist said that 11 or our 17 eggs fertilized yesterday and continued to develop through the night! Woohoo! I'm praying they keep developing! It is common to lose some each day. We are happy and I already can't wait for my call tomorrow! Wish I could insert a praise song here...but as you can tell I am not that great with some of this technology. Thanks be to God! Keep praying! God is Great!

Monday, March 18, 2013

More good news

     Yesterdays trip went well. My husband had to work so my dad and I set out early. I had to be there by 8. Blood was drawn then I went into the sonogram room. She didn't give me specifics. She just said I looked awesome and everything was great.
     When the nurse called that afternoon, she said I was ready! So I stopped my Lupron and Follistim shots last night but I had to mix my HCG and inject it intramuscular at 9:15 last night. I then had to take a pregnancy test and it had to be positive to show that the shot worked. This shot will finish maturing my follicles and get me ready to ovulate. You normally will ovulate 36 hours after the shot so they plan you egg retrieval before you ovulate. So, I am going to Memphis today and will get ready for tomorrow. I am to take a Vallum tonight and no food or drink after midnight. I have to be at the surgery center at 7:15 in the morning. They said to make sure I brought my last payment and my husband. This will cost me $1400 and should complete everything. I am getting excited and am singing praises to God for each step that He has us achieve!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Last two visits

Wednesday (3/13) - My husband worked today so I went to Memphis on my own since they are such quick appointments and so early. They drew a vial of blood and I got a sonogram. When she did the sonogram you could definitely see the follicles better. The ones on my right measured over 10 but the follicles on my right still measured less than 10 mm. They had grown though and she said they were all of similar size in each ovary. The tech also said my lining was thickening and doing what it should be. She said everything looked perfect. I told her I was relieved to hear that since I had not been feeling anything. I had been warned of the pain and uncomfortableness I would experience and I hadn't yet so I was scared it wasn't working. The nurse called later that day and all my meds were kept the same for Wednesday and Thursday.

Friday (3/15) - My husband and I headed out really early again today. I got blood drawn and another sonogram. I had a different tech this time and she counted lower numbers of follicles. I wonder if this is normal. She didn't show any concern over it. She did measure my largest five follicles in each ovary like was done Wednesday. All had grown and the ones on the left were still smaller. Some on my right measured around 14mm. The nurse called this afternoon and said that I would lower my Follistim dose tonight to a 200 unit injection and then lower it to a 175 unit injection tomorrow. She said they wanted them to grow a little more but not too much before I come back in. I am supposed to be back in Memphis at 8am on Sunday morning. I am getting closer so I hope to get my egg retrieval date on Sunday. I will keep you all posted. Please keep sending up all the extra prayers you can spare! God is working this out so beautifully and I am thankful!

Monday, March 11, 2013

A quick trip

     We left a little after 5 this morning to be at our doctor office by 7:30. It was rough considering it was dark the whole way and we had not adjusted to the time change. They called us right back and I only had to get my blood drawn and they gave me my Progesterone gel to start next week. It only took us maybe 10 minutes at the most and we were back on the road. The nurse called later and said that for tonight and tomorrow, my meds would stay the same and I would have to be back on Wednesday between 7:30 and 8 for more blood work and a sonogram.
     I may be wrong but I took at as good news today that my meds were not increased yet. I hope that means my body is responding well to the current dosage. Please keep us in your prayers. Thanks for all the support and text I have been receiving.